1 Compelling Reason To Buy Windows 7

MicrosoftMe, a Windows Evangelist?


You had better believe it!

I’m impressed!

Most of my colleagues would probably reckon I would be the last person, to wax lyrical about any Windows product.

This is simply because I am paid to fix computer problems.

But it has to be said, Windows 7 has one really compelling feature. Search.

Better than all previous versions, better than anything I can remember since Windows 3.11.

Windows 7 search is game changing.

Just like tags in Firefox, the search feature removes the necessity to organise files and folders. For example, in the old days, it was really useful to organise program shortcuts into groups, in the Start Menu – so you could navigate to them easily. This is work you no longer need to do.

Hit the ‘Windows Key’ then enter “note” and press return

It just doesn’t get any easier – you no longer need to know where the notepad shortcut is – you don’t evenĀ  need to type in the full program name and you have very quick access to notepad.

But it doesn’t stop there. When you realise that the search indexer is configurable and extends to almost anything on your computer, the utility of this feature is undeniable.

It is the single most useful feature of this version of Windows – and will actually change the way you work – for the better.

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